Outlier Automation Certified as LGBT Business Enterprise
June 19, 2020 - Fresno, CA - Outlier Automation LLC is proud to announce our recent certification as an LGBT Business Enterprise (LGBTBE) through the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) Supplier Diversity Initiative. The NGLCC is the business voice of the LGBT community and serves as the nation’s exclusive certifying body for LGBT-owned and operated businesses.
Outlier Automation is now eligible to participate in the NGLCC’s corporate partner’s supplier diversity programs, take advantage of the NGLCC’s business development resources, and connect with other LGBTBEs worldwide.
“We are so excited to join the family of LGBT Business Enterprises and work with corporations eager to support them,” said Outlier Automation’s Co-Founder Liz Brooks-Zak. “We see automation as the inevitable future of manufacturing and a fundamental part of the future of the U.S. economy. We don’t see a lot of queer-identifying folks in the manufacturing space, and the industry could benefit from the different perspectives that LGBTBEs bring to the table.”
About NGLCC The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce is the business voice of the LGBT community and the largest global not-for-profit advocacy organization specifically dedicated to expanding economic opportunities and advancements for LGBT people. NGLCC is the exclusive certification body for LGBT-owned businesses.